Del H. Smith encourages individuals to realize their life has a purpose and implores them to discover and live that purpose. His thought-provocative and inspiring writings help each of us fulfill a life purpose.
What is a life's purpose? Do we really need one? Where can we look for it? Though religion of one stripe or another can provide some answers, many seekers are left wanting. Many who accept religion's answers don't understand why those they love find them wanting. Can one look beyond religion to discover life's purpose? Join your author as he pursues that question.
Delve into the mystery of how to uncover your own life's purpose.
Learn how to support what you come to discover with sound rationale.
On your journey, explore some of the greatest questions facing each one of us:• Are any of atheism's arguments that no God exists sound?
• Can we know our creator loves us and offers us an eternity of love?
• Is there any support for the Church's position the Bible is the Word of God?
• Is there any support for the Church's position Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
• What did Christ mean by loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength?
• Does Christ's insistence that we love our enemies make any sense?
• Is there any support for the Bible's claim that Jesus' miracles were real?