Is true happiness eluding you? By true happiness, I mean a permanent happiness, independent of whatever you experience. Is such a state of happiness even achievable? I suspect your answer is, “No!” as it was for me for most of my life.
What makes you happy? Is it financial security, health, the love of others, the respect of others, popularity, fame, freedom, a peaceful life, a life free of threat or something else entirely? While it’s true any of these states can make you happy, are any of them invulnerable to loss? Can anything protect you from loss of employment or savings, from health problems, from the loss of a loved one, from loss of respect and reputation, from calamity and from threat? If you have no control over any of these things, what can provide you with permanent happiness? Or can anything?
It's not for wont of trying. At universities across North America, happiness courses pack in the students. Outside the classroom, there are enough happiness podcasts for a dedicated radio station. YouTube offers hours of videos on achieving happiness. Life coaches guide their clients to happier choices. Well-meaning teaching apps proliferate. You can find online
certificates to affirm your happiness credentials. The truly diligent happiness-seekers can now take an online Masters of Happiness at Centenary College in the United States. But finding – and keeping – happiness is hard; otherwise, we’d surely have figured it out by now. Might we be incapable of creating our own happiness. But could our creator be capable?
Can intimacy with our creator provide us permanent happiness? Like in my past, you probably feel that’s for monks and gurus! However, over the past few years, I have achieved just that. “How?”, you ask. I couldn’t have achieved it without two things. I gained the knowledge, as sound as any knowledge we humans possess, that our creator offers permanent happiness to each one of us. I learned that our creator leaves it up to us to choose to pursue the intimacy of that perfect happiness with it. Let me share both
discoveries with you.
The sound and unrefuted reasoning in the Meaning of Life Video Series, and Chapter 13 of Discovering Life’s Purpose, concludes that our creator loves us and offers us an eternal life of intimacy with it. Why did so few of us get the memo? The memo is not written or spoken but is instead placed directly into our minds. To get the memo, we need to discover it using an approach like that described in Is Your Creator Awaiting a Response to Its Constant Outreach. Using this approach, you discover your creator’s outreach to you one idea at a time. Reflect on it and formulate a reply in your mind. It’s even OK to speak it! As you search for its response to your reply, and the next idea it conveys, you begin a conversation. As the conversation becomes daily, it provides you an intimacy with your creator you never thought possible.
That permanent intimacy provides a permanent happiness that exceeds any other. It even strengthens your resilience to the loss of other sources of happiness. Because your creator loves you, it would never send you a trial that it didn’t accompany with the strength you need to manage it.
Permanent happiness is hiding in plain sight. As St. Augustine observed about our creator, “You created us for yourself and our souls are restless until they rest in you.”
Del H. Smith conducts research into life’s meaning and is the award-winning author of the Amazon Best Seller, Discovering Life’s Purpose.