Is the meaning of your life something for you to determine or has it already been established by your creator? After all, would not your creator’s will be the purpose of what it created? If so, does it not follow that you need to discover the purpose of your life rather than try to determine it?
Recently, I discovered the meaning of life after two decades of research into life’s meaning. The research included the study of philosophy, extensive reading of books by atheists, spiritualists and religious apologists and participation in religious retreats. The research introduced me to reasoning which established knowledge, as sound as any knowledge of which humans are capable. of the purpose of life. You can pursue my reasoning in the Meaning of Life Video Series. As I continue this research, my understanding of what I have come to know is continuing to deepen.
I learned that religion, spiritualism, and reasoning all say the same thing differently. Reasoning establishes that life’s purpose is to love our creator and all its creation as selflessly and unconditionally as we are able. Spiritualism insists that life’s purpose is to channel the spirit force’s universal consciousness and connect to all of creation as well as we are able. The Christian, Islamic and Jewish religions express life’s purpose in words similar to those articulated by Jesus Christ – to love your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength and all your soul and your neighbour as yourself. All three agree our purpose is to connect, or become at one with our creator.
Can you accept that life’s purpose is there awaiting your discovery? Although reasoning, spiritualism, and religion all arrive at the same knowledge of life’s meaning, we each approach that knowledge in a different way as outlined in The Seven Stages of Discovering Life’s Purpose model, which was developed from The Seven Stages of Grief model.

The model comprises seven stages: 1. Accept Childhood Teachings; 2. Reject Childhood Teachings; 3. Practice Childhood Teachings; 4. Question Childhood Teachings; 5. Know Creator’s Will; 6. Adopt Creator’s Will and 7. Become at One with Creator. As in The Seven Stages of Grief model, each person may experience the stages differently. You may skip some stages altogether, experience them in a different order and/or reexperience an earlier stage. However, with perseverance, you will likely discover life’s meaning and joyfully act on it in the seventh stage. We will take a deep dive into each stage of this model, and how it leads you towards the seventh stage, beginning with Stage One – Accept Childhood Teachings.
Del H. Smith conducts research into life’s meaning and is the award-winning author of the AMAZON Best Seller, Discovering Life’s Purpose.